my dad found these in the attic of the staionery shop in leiston where they used to hang in splendour from the ceiling of the now departed toy department - some old guy made them up and painted them many many moons ago - I await tomoland and k0f1 comments naming the 'kites' in question - by the way the spelling of 'heads' as 'heeds' in previous blog was intentional - a nod to the TFI friday SCOTTISH style pronunciation of the word -
MiG 17 / Lockheed F-104 Starfighter/ North American B 25 Mitchell. In other news Holden is writing the screenplay for G Ritchies remake of the binning Wild Geese!!!!! promised us a part!!!!!
Damn...you beat me to it Tommo! Mind you, I did at first sight mistake the MiG for a Sabre jet, so just as well. Ahhh, the memories of that dimly lit upstairs room with its dogfight duels and other plasticky delights. I'm feeling positively Proustian!
similar aircraft. The F86 Sabre lacks the small fins along the leading edge of the wings. Thats the simplist way to tell them apart. Best time to be a fighter pilot, MiG vs Sabre over Korea before the advent of guided missiles.
Did any of you catch the fly pass at the weekend?
I'd love to have seen a fly past of MiGs, Sabres and Starfighters. I always loved the latter, which reminded me of Gerry Anderson's Angel Interceptors and probably also influenced the design of the X-wings from Star Wars. I wonder if Lockheed is the Geordie pronunciation of Lockhead.
Speaking of TFI, I think Luke Haines' assessment of Chris Evans just about hits the mark: 'a shallow bullying man-child, a jumped-up kissogram-turned-light-entertainment-colossus'.
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