had fun shooting the effervescent vv brown in north london and then headed up to suffolk for birthday hi-jinx with sandra - ! just arrived and had a pint in the angel! hurrah!
Tomoland rather brilliantly came up with plus one for the Blur 'friends and family' Glastonbury warm-up show at Brixton Academy on saturday afternoon - two hours and ten minutes of nostalgic excellence - walking out afterwards blinking in the thin June sunlight a mere two minutes from home felt rather surreal - fucking brilliant afternoon which dredged up a few old poignant memories of the west london days - another country and all that...
finally made it into rosie's deli to buy a copy of her fab cook book and get it signed by the masterchef herself - had a perfect soya/vanila latte and a catch-up - strolled around brixton afterwards and decided that I can sometimes be a bt hard on the old place - it is totally mental in a good way - www.rosiedelicafe.com
so keith just got back from NYC where he was hanging with Abel Ferrara!!! and he got to take a load of portraits of the legendary director and his little italy buddies - I love these shots - keith let me post them on my blog - enjoy! keithbeckles.com
you have to buy the new sonic youth album - it's really good - ace cover as well - that's Johnny Thunders in the back room of Max's after a Stooges show by Danny Fields
shot petit boots today - tried on the 'heed' - only after it had been thoroughly hoovered of creepy crawlies though - stockwell is very hot and sticky -
my dad found these in the attic of the staionery shop in leiston where they used to hang in splendour from the ceiling of the now departed toy department - some old guy made them up and painted them many many moons ago - I await tomoland and k0f1 comments naming the 'kites' in question - by the way the spelling of 'heads' as 'heeds' in previous blog was intentional - a nod to the TFI friday SCOTTISH style pronunciation of the word -
drove to suffolk to pick up the massive 'heeds' from a road in ipswich - they are fantastic - i love them - they are from a theatre in london from the 1950's - sandra and i are faffing around on the beach and the weather is great - it is so peaceful here - got the record player working and listening to old vinyl stuff like andre previn's 'hollywood by night' piano instrumentals - although was disturbed to find some country bumpkin banksy wannabe had fixed an 'ironic' pistol toting panda stencil on the building opposite the shop -