Just got back from a very exciting 12 mile trek up the Munro just in front of Ben Chonzie - we went to the exact spot that was very kindly pointed out to us by Iain the day before - after much anticipation and relentless searching in the dense heather we eventually unearthed some parts of the Fairey Barracuda - it was particularly poignant to discover a severely crumpled and shattered piece of aluminium fuselage from 831 Squadron's doomed training flight that has lain here in this bleak and lonely spot for sixty four years - incredible
Fantastic! Well done the Titlow boys. What an amazing experience for you both. Absolutely incredible to think there's still wreckage there after all this time - and you managed to find it! Hope you raised a well-deserved glass to your forebear.
What happened to all the pictures of binners in London? Amazing man. I'm actually a little choked up. Seriously and irony aside, heroic efforts on the part of all your family. Then and now. Call me tomorrow!
That is, amazing. Wow. I feel very touched by it. It has moved senses that I didn't know where still inside of me. What is it with people dying in May? I shall raise a glass to the Titlow's and absent friends later.
Amen to the above - blog entry of the year. Must have been quite a moment finding the first bit of wreckage.
And Fairey Barracuda is a fantastic name for an aeroplane!
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