i finally bought this ancient single that i am obsessed with - amazing brilliant sleeve - it's a sid tribute by fred and judy vermorel - strange record
here is the lyric sheet crass sent me with my cassette of asylum and a leaflet i think i got from their very weird gig at traceys nightclub in ipswich -
if you find yourself down notting hill way - check out costas, the best lunch in town - you may catch the duke of scouse and myself knocking back cypriot wine and grilled haloumi whilst ranting about the 'guardians'
walked into town over V bridge - very murky day - very monday, george V statue opp HOP is awesome, thats the houses of parliament not house of pancakes -
stockwell green location again - two shoots here this week and one next week, got the kangoo towed away outside steph's flat - very boring - i think i have a cold - had a brilliant cheese sarnie in the angel pub bermondsey
very early morning shoot in the phenomenally brilliant prince arthur pub aka 'dixies' - this was the last day of the vice/puma thingy which has been much fun -
back in london , jolly dinner in rebatos, back home slightly tipsy, ss in 1beezer, working tomm, better get head down, ps found this ace Fabulous 12" in my collection today - tomoland and I enjoyed fine nostalgia -
we lit up the most excellent bar sintra in stockwell tonight for a vice/puma shoot with is tropical - if only they could all be like this!!! suffolk demain with tomoland -