had a lovely lunch with trademark in ace soho backwater, proper 70's avacado vinagrette - then a spot of bowling in bloomsbury where they need to get some more balls with bigger finger holes for fat handed twats like moi -
met up with mr paul for a shell fish pig out west london binner hole the cow - always a great lunch, and pleasantly empty for a change - footy in the cock and bottle and more scoff in nott hill rounded off with a 'blaze' at d'ops drum - great sunday
ok, i think i blogged this pic ages ago - but it's one of my faves from the aldeburgh carnival - this was one of the super enthusiastic nazis accompanying the 'sound of music' float - only in suffolk!
shot in and around stockwell, during the world cup - appearing soon in a couple of mags - and i finally got to use my lady di postcard collage in a shoot -