bloody spain beat portugal, watched in sintra - needless to say very subdued afterwards - at least will get some sleep tonight - crap world cup, only got holland left now to support -
took steph and her broken foot out for the big match at the rose in bermondsey - all got a bit messy back at hers after the dismal england performance - very sore head the next day for my drive to suffolk where i took the bar shot in the excellent social club -
some new shots of the carrot topped multi-millionaire for the guardian weekend magazine out today - nice bloke - and these shots aren't all over the place color wise as they appeared in print for some annoying reason -
after the most staggeringly cavalier treatment from a a major model agency that almost made me reconsider conscription to the taliban - managed to finish a shoot that has been ongoing for about five fucking weeks - was fun in the end though -
Ace 60's lensman Brian Duffy died today - very sad, many moons ago in 1988 he directed a Blue Merc vid for the song 'See, Want, Must Have' in Goa which I have very fond memories of - the actual 'travelogue style' video wasn't particularly ground breaking but we did have a laugh in the face of a few disasters - The camera equipment was impounded at Bombay airport for a few days and the camera man (duffy's son) chipped his tibia on a concrete step whilst filming and returned to the UK in a wheelchair - Duffy wanted to have a dancing bear in the story but we wimped out as we thought it would be a turn off for animal loving teenage girl fans (now of course I would have demanded an army of dancing bears in chains) - Simon Napier Bell our manager, turned up halfway through the shoot to join in the fun - Unfortunately, I recollect Duffy losing some of his own money on this project due to some record label incompetence which kind of left a bad taste in our mouths, nonetheless he was a lovely guy and a brilliant photographer and I am glad that I had the chance to hang out with him, especially in such bizarre circumstances -
had a very strange day yesterday - elite managed to lose three models in oslo, so shoot was hastily and rather expensively rescheduled for two weeks time -
went to the opening of an old school friend's art show who I hadn't seen for thutty years - Rudy De Belgeonne whom I tracked down through Perou's blog after he shot a portrait of him - it's at the old photographers gallery in covent garden and well worth a visit - for some perverse reason I shot this in b/w but it really has to be seen in it's full on livid colour, really nice show and great to catch up with him and his family after so long - nice free booze too -
come on, the weather can get shitter than this - just try a bit harder, caught up with tomoland in sintra, my sister has arrived for the night, made my second ever quiche - tried out my lightning strike props - back in london with the devil's window