queued up for an hour and got an ipad - was quite fun, now i've got a semi pointless digital picture frame to lug around - the screen is good though, and it's quite speedy - also the speakers are surprisingly loud -
top night at the folk store off brick lane at my old mate neil stewart's book party - needed much longer than one night to catch up with everyone from the past and present - grabbed a beer mopping up curry afterwards -
shot dan's new band 'nighttime' in stockwell on saturday - went to geek-fest photographica and bought great warhol 'exposures' book - great pics inside and very funny text - also acquired a konica 'pop' (tenner) and this amazing japanese petri computor 35 rangefinder for a mere three quid - test driving them now -
enjoyed a cracking day and night with my old art school chum daniel - haven't seen him for YEARS! much imbibing in the trendy bars of naaarwich city - tons of stuff to take pics of in this strange place - just rocked up at the shop after buying some garish stuff at campsea ashe auction rooms this morning - ss arriving on the train later - we will stay here for a few days and avoid london -