Farewell dinner with director of ops in MI5 tapas bar - very funny nite - Tomoland came through with my promised Shitting Fists T-shirt! ace - shot La Roux at film plus - processed some hassleblad x-pan camera b/w from a while ago - nice camera
Nice little show of pics by BCC in Fulham - was going to buy his biography but didn't want to open up my wrists in the tub after reading it - found this great shot of my folks at a wedding in walberswick in the seventies -
had a very enjoyable pint with k0f1 and family in the roebuck - was drinking an austrian lager that apparently hitler used to drink? (pictured) addicted to madmen - the new sopranos - it's amazing - has an eerie atmosphere of impending doom that I love - there was another rainbow over stockwell - re-editing a tricky shoot and finding it a learning curve - caught the new york dolls on tv and they were great - made all the juvenile cap-sleeved lame-ass dick-wads currently cluttering up the charts look very gay -
Sam Morton's directorial debut is very impressive - I thoroughly recommend that you watch this bewitching movie on channel 4's catch up site - Tom Townend's cinematography is absolutely sublime whilst M Windsor's performance belies a depth way beyond her years -
bought a t4 for 80 quid at the legendary photographica show in pimlico - full of beardy old gits with BO in 'pro' gilets (so keef and I fitted in well) - how cool do sarah palin and todd look in this archive pic?
After a lengthy day staring at comp screen had drinks in exmouth mkt with laura, karyn,scott and myree - nice tapas in cafe kick - all i ever eat is tapas it seems - discussed Slankets, got nasty tube train home and crashed out watching Madmen, which is as good as everyone says it is -
Keef took us to see his mate's band Extradition Order who were supporting the excellent Rayographs - drank too much dutch lager - retouching today in the east end - yes
These mini-horse dudes are just freaky! check out the gloria vanderbilt ass shots with cheeky dwarf pony heads sticking thru - I must visit Kilverstone to witness these minature horse studs - it's amazing what you can pick up from Deptford market -
Met up with Tomoland and D-Ops for a pint with Nathan but he didn't show - ended up discussing very shit film Rise of The Foot Soldiers that I really want to see now - back to Nott Hill and a chat with G Reynolds and a night cap watching Jason King -
This house absolutely fascinates me -it's on the A12 just as you come into London - would love to do a shoot here - it's amazing - even better in the flesh, or brick -
took keef to suffolk for weekend = met up with jane and patrick and the new addition 'basil' - watched man on wire which is very very good - did a recce for a shoot - farted around in the spitfire and got a ticket at 8.22 in the morning on bank holiday monday - tight or what!?