Went to Campsea Ashe auction rooms, bought some 'props for shoots' bloody freezing but always good fun, everyone there looks like extras from The Hills Have Eyes - bumped into my cousin Richard and Nick Paine from the west London days, he used to run Mr Christians deli - now living the country life in Aldeburgh!
Spent a day on my own driving around the beaches in Aldeburgh and Walberswick, lunch in the Anchor, went to a freezing car boot sale, bought Barbour scarf and the Penguin book of salads, came home, watched This Sporting Life and crashed out at half six - perfect.
I had a really lovely day - woke up far too early, arriving from Gothenburg to Stockwell at midnight, hassled Sandra to get up - arrived safely in Suffolk courtesy of Daniel - stopped at supermarket in Ipswich, got supplies and hosted a very successful Christmas supper for my Mater and Pater and sister and brother in law and niece and nephew in the shop which was very heart warming and perfect - had a night cap in the Angel and the White Swan but felt very detached from my surroundings - East Hastings has just started playing in shuffle mode on my ipod Bose thing - parfait!
It's Christmas Day in Sweden and Sandra and I made the local paper in Ljungby (much to her horror) that's the most press I've had in years! looking forward to day of meatballs and scandinavian festive fun -
Made my way to Sweden for Christmas via Zurich, Copenhagen and Malmo - pretty knackered now and feeling slightly disorientated, super christmassy vibe here!
Kore arrived here late last night for a very early call time this morning - great to see him - back in our DRY apartment, going to seek out beer later ---
I bought a load of old b/w exposed rolls of film in Berlin in the summer, just getting them scanned to CD at snappy snaps, hoping for more teutonic weirdness as I plough through them -