Spot of DJ work with the Oxo - pictured with the blooming Shelly! Dexter Bentley Pub Pop night at The Miller in SE1 - Sunday found me searching the incredible Brompton Cemetery in the blazing sunshine for the final resting place of Henrietta Moraes whose memoirs I have just read - a truly delightful book, a captivating chronicle of a fascinating life - unfortunately her location isn't pin pointed on their celebrity grave map and there are 200,000 inhabitants to choose from - Reluctantly, one was forced to abandon one's search until next week when one can quiz the man who lives next to the chapel for directions - well worth a visit if you are in the area.
Hung with Alan and Ingrid at Borough mkt, went on the back of the Triumph bike, very amusing - Tomoland dropped by en route to the zoo - last night SS and I attended the drinks and discussion evening in Crystal Palace to disect Dan Laidler's recently completed short movie which you can view on you tube
Jane Gill's last fashion story for Sugar mag today - end of an era! had great fun as always and a celebratory glass of champers afterwards - the curtain finally falls on my teen mag years - I shall miss the un-pretentiousness of it all -
Solo expedition to Suffolk - pootled around the coast in the refurbed Spitfire, which now runs like a dream thanks to 'Mossy' from Saxmundham - beautiful weather - drinks and braised rabbit with Daniel and the folks - gorged myself on No-Wave books and Italian gangster art-movies that I received for my birthday - back to the smoke early demain.
Up the junction (Loughborough) to shoot Gavin Turk - nice bloke - cool warehouse full of artists stuff being made up by minions, one who told me off for taking that top picture- so i put it on the blog - keef and I blagged a liter of Grey Goose Vodka each as well!
Juliet Binoche season at the NFT - went and saw Les Amants Du Pont Neuf in rememberance of the amazing cinematographer Jean Yves Escoffier who recently passed away - after watching it I can so easily see why Harmony Korine refused to make Gummo unless this genius frenchie was involved - it is so beautifully lit and was obviously a complete labour of love - it's on one more time on the 15th September - well worth a look -
Had a busy day printing and retouching - also ran a b/w film through the 50p Diana camera that I picked up in Suffolk at a boot sale - Sipke processed it in his kitchen and it works just great despite being the weight of a small feather - then onto Borough and the final prep for the gig on Saturday - went really well and we were treated to visit from staunch Crops fans Tomoland and Steve 'Jolly' Jenkins armed with lager beer and cameras - then onto the Royal Oak for very strong medieval ale where SS joined us for post rehearsal reparte -
The Oxo and myself attended the Pistols gig in Hammersmith - surprisingly very good, very loud, nice to hear a Gibson Les Paul at ear shredding level for a change, the audience were actually very endearing and I regret my earlier blog comments. Chance meeting with ex-Heave bassist Gavin and compadres which was a very nice surprise - Glen Matlock wore a polo shirt and white trousers - Steve Jones was very fat - Paul Cook looked a lot like Sir Textalot and J Rotten was the perfect panto dame/Richard III (funnily enough responsible for locking up Edward V and his brother Richard in the Bloody Tower thus inspiring the Rich Kids song 'Ghosts Of Princes In Towers' penned by the aforementioned badly dressed Mr Matlock)